The outpatient surgery department of Divine is a state-of-the-art ambulatory surgery center. Here, we have expert surgeons who perform a wide range of outpatient surgical treatments. Our services include various procedures like endoscopy, laparoscopy, arthroscopy, and bronchoscopy.
Cardiac Clinic
Divine’s heart team is dedicated to offer expert care to the patients through support, personal attention, and education. We offer heart screening and diagnosis along with support and treatment.
Ophthalmology Clinic
Our experts use the best equipment to identify the eye of every patient’s requirement. Divine’s medical experts work to bring the most advanced methods of treatment from the lab to the clinic.
Gynaecological Clinic
Our multiple disciplinary teams of health professionals are dedicated to cater to the changing requirements of women. We help you to improve and maintain state-of-art obstetrical and gynecological care. Whether you come to give birth or for a routine gynecological program, we offer a wide range of options and services to the women.
Outpatient Rehabilitation
At Divine, we offer personalized and comprehensive therapy programs that have been designed to maximize the functional results. We provide compassionate and exceptional care through each and every stage of the recovery procedure.
Laryngological Clinic
Our expert medical professionals use the latest technology to treat a wide range of issues. We make sure that we offer the best treatment of the conditions of the vocal cords and the larynx. We ensure that you get individual treatment depending on your age, condition, and professional.
Pediatric Clinic
At our pediatric clinic at Divine, we put in effort to treat your children with compassion and professionalism. Our teams of pediatricians are experienced and want to help out your children to lead a healthy life.
Laboratory Analysis
At our laboratory, we make sure that the test of the clinical specimen is done in the right manner. Here, we use the best technology available to assess the specimens. You can be sure that the results and reports you get are appropriate.